It is a great joy to see InterCulturalia, a symposium of young minds, grow into a larger and larger event that encompasses their interdisciplinary interests. Every year in May, the organisers feel that these young minds, the finest of their generation, open out to one another, exchanging and debating ideas, assessing and challenging old paradigms, and forging new ones. They put all their passion and energy into it, they cheer the season, they enjoy the charming City of Iaşi, and they feel so enthralled that they always return!
–  Dr. Dana Bădulescu, Event Coordinator

Interculturalia, ce colloque qui vous permet de présenter vos recherches en anglais et/ou en français, ce que j’aurais voulu y participer, quand j’étais étudiante ! Je remercie ceux qui l’ont créé et je me réjouis, chaque année, de voir les étudiants y faire leurs premiers pas dans la recherche. Je suis persuadée que de vrais chercheurs s’en souviendront, d’ici quelques années, avec nostalgie…

– Dr. Dana Monah, Département de français, Organisateur


Every May since 2017 brings with it a true landmark of my academic life. I’ve grown alongside InterCulturalia, as a researcher and a professional, yes, but more importantly, as an individual, immersed in a vivacious community of thought, debate, knowledge, and tremendous support. The value of such a network cannot be overstated. It gives me great hope that the interaction it allows between peers will in turn establish strong threads, tying us together long-term.
–  Dr. Ștefana Iosif, Organizer

I enjoyed it very much, personally, and learned from it too: it was also clear from that closing ceremony — and earlier — how much everybody enjoyed it; how much it was appreciated by all involved.  That was a really warm, engaged affirmative atmosphere — no-one wanted to say goodbye! — and a great credit to Iasi and to your organisation.
– Randall Stevenson, Prof. Emeritus

Opening Ceremony and Keynotes

Virtual Tour with Dr. Mihai Bulai

I do feel indebted to the organizers of this lively students’ symposium for inviting me to take part in its dynamic multicultural discussions. In the current context of the Covid pandemic, such events seem to lack the full vigor of face-to-face communication, but the diversity of the program, the virtual tour downtown in Iasi, the vivid and colorful presentations lent so much energy to the event that at times I completely forgot it was held online. I do feel enriched and inspired by the way it was organized and held. Thank you!
– Dr. Petya Tsoneva Dr. Petya Tsoneva
Whenever I think about Interculturalia, I dwell on the “inter” part of it more than on anything. I can very well remember that years ago it was nothing more than a mere project, and then I had the chance to be in the middle of things and see it come into being. I was one of the lucky few who were there to see the project bloom into a symposium. I could not help myself and I have participated and been a part of it ever since. And I still remember my first paper, on Julia Alvarez’s novel, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. Unlike the girls, I won experience and friends. Being able to come in contact with young students and researchers from various backgrounds, with various interests, but more or less the same love for literature, language, cultural studies, and research has benefitted me immensely and I truly believe that for the next generations being a part of it is a must.
 –  Raisa Borș, PhD Student, Organizer
Pour moi, le colloque Interculturalia a été une expérience nouvelle. Même si c’était en ligne, c’était une belle expérience. J’ai eu l’occasion de connaître d’autres étudiants et leurs thèmes de recherche. Cela m’a plu et j’espère avoir l’occasion de participer à une autre édition, mais physiquement.

–  Andreea Ghencia, Master Études Francophones, première année

First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the Inteculturalia symposium organizers for the great amount of time, effort, and passion that I know they put into this online event, given the current pandemic circumstances. For sure, it was no easy task, but the final outcome speaks for itself: it has been a caress for the soul. And I believe I am not the only one who has been left with this sentiment. Second, I would especially like to thank Dana Badulescu for having invited me to be one of the keynote speakers. It was a pleasure to have been able to meet and share knowledge and experiences with dear colleagues and, above all, see the genuine sense of enthusiasm about academic research all participants displayed because it showed everyone had worked to the best of their ability so that the event could unfold successfully. I am fully convinced that Interculturalia has already become a landmark in our careers due to the opportunity for the horizontal exchange and discussion of information and for the networking that occurred even if we were on different sides of the world. Third, I wanted to confess the closing ceremony almost brought me to tears just by the thought of how this symposium has been achieved through the creation of a tight-knit community, built on the foundations of collaboration and mutual understanding, of both experienced and young researchers, who pursue one common objective: career development opportunities. Last but definitely not least, once again, I would like to thank those who joined in to listen to me and discuss how the invaluable nature of communication through imagery is as well as those who have made the realization of this fourth edition of Interculturalia happen. I dearly hope to see you all soon again, face-to-face if possible.

–  Cristina Chiusano, MA

Pour moi, Interculturalia a représenté une expérience vraiment agréable, cette année aussi, et je pense que c’est une opportunitée pour les étudiants de s’essayer dans le domaine de la recherche, de donner une finalité à leurs intérêts scientifiques, mais aussi de dialoguer, pour que les idées circulent et s’affrontent, car c’est ce qui fait finalement le progrès des individus et des domaines d’étude. Même si je ne suis pas forcément l’adepte des activités « en ligne », je dois avouer que l’édition de cette année a eu l’avantage de faciliter l’accès des participants et des spectateurs de plusieurs universités, et il serait donc intéressant d’envisager une formule hybride pour les éditions suivantes.

–  Ioana Aelenei, Master Études Francophones, première année

Keynotes and Parallel Sessions