Keynote Speakers (2022)

Ana Cristina Chiusano, PhD Candidate

Topic: The construal of ‘otherness’ in postmodernism: Applying Halliday’s Systemic Functional (SFL) model in post-modern literary works

Halliday’s trinocular view of language is an absolutely invaluable resource to analyse discourses. When it comes to Literature, his approach to text deconstruction is particularly useful in providing us, readers, with insights into how writers construe the realities of their characters. In turn, it is through the characters’ eyes that we gain knowledge of how they perceive themselves as social beings and as members of a intercultural world in which ‘the Other’ plays a major role in helping to forge identities.
The aim of this workshop is to explore the concept of ‘otherness’. To this end, participants will delve into the Hallidayan framework for text analysis, in particular with the ideational and interpersonal layers of meaning, to understand how to apply it to the analysis of the construction of identities in excerpts of renowned postmodern literary works.


Ana Cristina Chiusano is an experienced TEFL and Spanish as a Foreign Language teacher. 1998, I.S.P. Dr Joaquín V. González, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She holds both an MA in TEFL, 2009, Universidad de Jaén, Spain, and an MA in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, 2012, Universidad de León, Spain. She is a Ph.D. candidate in
Linguistics and is currently working on her doctoral dissertation.
Throughout the years, she has developed a career as a teacher trainer and has taught courses in English phonetics and phonology, English Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Contrastive Linguistics (English&Spanish), the didactics of foreign languages, and Spanish
as a second or foreign language in Argentina, Uruguay and the USA. She is currently living
in Montevideo, Uruguay, and works as a full-time professor and head of the MA in TEFL and
Intercultural Bilingual Education, which she designed.

In 2017, she was awarded grants by the Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA) and the EU (through the Erasmus+ programme) to take part in
international conferences and to go on teaching and staff training mobilities.
She is a member of the research group Language Acquisition Issues and the Oxford English Dictionary Study Group. She has participated in different local and international conferences on Applied Linguistics and has published peer-reviewed chapters on the Didactics of
Phonetics and Phonology.

Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou

Experimenting with materials: print and digital synergies

The dynamic presence of digital technologies nowadays has paved the path for the writing of intricate stories that invite us to rethink how they have actually been conceptualized and created with emphasis placed both on their textual qualities and the medium through which they are delivered. This kind of writing either develops in tandem with an experimental take on the book form or it draws on its codex roots and the utilization of various digital supported platforms, AR technologies, mobile phones, and apps. This has certainly led to a reconsideration of the literariness of such writings since this no longer relies on the verbal elements of a story but also on the synergies that develop between the verbal, visual, tactile and aural elements readers come across through the use of print and digital narratives. By drawing on the observations of various theoreticians such as N. Katherine Hayles, Marie-Laure Ryan, Jessica Pressman, Jason Farman and others a number of case studies will be presented with attention paid to various North American authors and their experimentation with diverse media of production.

Dr. Tatiani G. Rapatzikou is Associate Professor at the Department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece. She holds a B.A. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, while for her graduate studies she holds an M.A. from Lancaster University and a Ph.D. in from the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. (funded by the Board of Greek State Scholarships Foundation, I.K.Y). She was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the M.I.T. Comparative Media Studies program (2009). She has received fellowships including the Arthur Miller Centre Award (2000), the BAAS Short Term Travel Award (2000), and British Library Eccles Centre for American Studies Visiting Fellowship (2020). She was a Visiting Research Scholar at the Program in Literature at Duke University, U.S. (2012) and at the Department of English at York University, Toronto, Canada (2016). Her articles and (co)editing projects that appear in volumes of scholarly journals and essay collections focus on contemporary American prose and poetry (print and digital), while her monograph titled Gothic Motifs in the Fiction of William Gibson (Rodopi 2004) concentrates on the technological uncanny and cyber-gothic. She recently co-edited the volumes Ethnicity and Gender Debates: Cross-Readings of the United States of America in the New Millennium (Peter Lang 2020) and Απ-εικονίσεις της Αμερικής [Visualizing America] (Hellenic Association for American Studies Digital Publications for the National Documentation Center 2021). She is a member of the main editorial board of the following two online peer/blind reviewed journals: Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media (hosted by AUTh) and AmLit: American Literatures (hosted by the University of Graz, Austria). She is currently the Vice President of the Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS), while between 2014-2022 she was the Secretary General of the European Association for American Studies (EAAS). In addition, she served as the Director of the Digital Humanities Lab “Psifis” at AUTh for the period between 2019-2022. Her teaching and research covers the areas of contemporary American literature, postmodern writing practice, cyberpunk/cyberculture with emphasis on William Gibson, electronic literature, print and digital convergence.

athes haralambie
Dr. Haralambie Athes

The musical construction of reality. On the heavier side of

Defining reality – at the individual, collective or planetary level – has been the main focus of an entire array of sciences, with myriad approaches and ever-shifting
perspectives. The contemporary world is marked by several layers of significance, all made more complex by the Internet, social media and, consequently, the novel
possibilities in the realm of communication. One indisputable fact is that the fundamental stance of today’s reality is inevitably connected to consumerism, pollution and staggering mass production; our progress, as species, is tied to the progress of technology. Ironically, technology is becoming the ultimate access-pass to Nature.

Science, the one element which is supposed to connect humans to their
environment, is misunderstood, distorted or simply ignored. We receive information
about the state of nature through the entanglements of media culture, unable to assess the global situation otherwise. Scientists warn that man-made climate change is as real as it gets, and global warming is already causing devastating effects around the globe. Pollution, deforestation, over-consumption of natural resources are coupled with a dramatic increase in the human population. Governments, politicians and various organizations are using nice words, like environmental ethics, ecological consciousness or sustainable development.

This presentation will focus on one particular element of today’s culture, one of the channels acting as a mediator between scientific discourses and the individual – a seemingly counter-intuitive choice for making the environmental agenda more comprehensive, as it is also marked by stereotypes: metal music, both as a cultural mode of representing nature and a form of ecological advocacy.

Dr. Haralambie Athes is Lecturer at the Faculty of Geography, “Alexandru Ioan
Cuza” University; MA in Cultural Studies, MSc in Environmental Management. He co-authored An Introductory Guide to Shakespeare (2004) and contributed to various kinds of dictionaries – Science Fiction Dictionary (2006), Dictionary of Literary Genetics (2007) and Dictionary of North-American Scholars (2008). He edited Contextualizing Ecology in Global Culture. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Protection (2007), Identity Dissolved (2010) and Mapping Identity

Politics: Differences and Bridges (2012). Haralambie Athes was also the editor-in-
chief of the PostModernism(e) journal. He organized an international event on animal rights, with Steven Best – the philosopher/ writer/ activist – holding a lecture on speciesism and debating anthropocentrism and the politics of direct action with students, academics and specialists in the field of life sciences. Following his interests in both environmental protection and music, Haralambie is currently working on a book about the ecological discourse in the metal genre. His academic focal points
include postmodernism, utopianism, media culture and environmental philosophy.

jeremias stein
Jeremias Stein

„[D]as eigentliche Studium der Menschheit ist der Mensch.“ – Authentizität und Autorinszenierung in Thomas Manns Essay Meerfahrt mit ‚Don Quijote‘ (1934)

Im modernen Zeitalter der globalen Vernetzung von Nachrichtenkanälen, ist das (politische) Feuilleton nach wie vor für den intellektuellen Austausch in öffentlichen Debatten von großer Bedeutung. Vielfach melden sich in diesem Zusammenhang auch prominente Schriftsteller:innen, wie etwa die Autorin Juli Zeh, zu Wort und beziehen Stellung zu zeitgeschichtlichen und weltpolitischen Ereignissen. Da sich derartige Kommentare enorm auf die öffentliche Wahrnehmung von Autor:innen auswirken, stellt sich zugleich die Frage danach, ob ihre Beiträge zu gesellschaftlichen Debatten in Form und Inhalt als authentisch einzustufen sind, oder ob sie vielmehr dem Zweck der öffentlichen Inszenierung dienen.

Da diese Art der (Selbst-)Inszenierung alles andere als neu ist, finden sich Beispiele dafür nicht nur in aktuellen, sondern auch in zahlreichen historischen Feuilleton-Beiträgen. In besonderer Weise trifft dies auf einige politische Essays von Thomas Mann aus den 30er-Jahren zu. In einer Vielzahl von ihnen setzt sich Mann mit zeitgenössischen Ereignissen, vornehmlich politischer Art, auseinander und kommentiert diese. Folglich muss auch hier kritisch hinterfragt werden, inwiefern es sich um eine authentische Darstellung oder bewusste Inszenierung des Autors handelt. In meinem Vortrag widme ich mich dieser Fragestellung am Beispiel des Essays Meerfahrt mit ‚Don Quijote‘ (1934), der aufgrund seiner Anlage in Tagebuchform aus dem essayistischen Werk von Thomas Mann heraussticht.


Studium der Germanistik und Geschichte in Freiburg (B.A. 2016), Masterstudium in Freiburg und Nottingham (M.A. 2020). Seit 2021 akademischer Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für interkulturelle Germanistik am Deutschen Seminar der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Forschungsschwerpunkte: (Polar-)Reiseliteratur, maritime Literatur und Literatur der Jahrhundertwende.

Thema des Dissertationsprojekts: Nordlandfahrten in der Literatur um die Jahrhundertwende.

Dr. Iulian Hrusca

Quelques considérations sur trois concepts traités par Theofil Simenschy : l’ananké, l’humanitas et le dharma indien

Au cours de cette présentation, je traiterai du concept d’humanitas Romana en corrélation avec le dharma indien, une
notion qui implique en Inde l’inclination à l’éthique et à la vertu et qui pourrait être traduite en roumain par « loi morale
ou sainte ». Parallèlement, j’analyserai brièvement deux constituants tragiques, moira et ananke, en relation avec la
notion de dharma.

Iulian-Gabriel Hrușcă est docteur en philologie et maître de conférences au Département de Lettres classiques de
l’Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iași. Il a bénéficié d'une bourse et d'un stage documentaire en Allemagne et en Italie
et a été boursier de l’Académie roumaine, filiale de Iași. Domaines d’intérêt : littérature latine, littérature grecque,
rhétorique ancienne, droit romain, etc. Il a publié des études dans des revues spécialisées et dans des volumes collectifs.
Éditeur d’une version bilingue d’Ésope, il a coédité un volume sur la réception de l’Antiquité au fil du temps et a publié
une grammaire de la langue hellénique, sous le titre : Ἡ τῶν Ἑλλήνων γλῶττα. Introduction à la morphologie de la langue
grecque ancienne. Tome I (2020).

Dr. Vincent Henry

Face à l’incertitude, les humanités dans le monde qui vient

Partout, les sciences humaines et sociales traversent une crise profonde. Au-delà de la question de leur « utilité » dans une société qui a longtemps privilégié le pragmatisme et la rentabilité immédiate, les « Humanités » sont bousculées par la remise en cause d’un idéal issu de la Renaissance, celui de l’individu, maître de son destin, de l’homme pouvant contrôler à la fois la technique et la « nature », autant d’équilibres remis en question par le monde qui vient.

Directeur délégué de l’Institut Français de Roumanie à Iasi et chercheur associé au LIPHA (UR7373) Université Paris-Est
J’ai consacré l’essentiel de mon activité professionnelle à la coopération linguistique, éducative et universitaire en
Europe centrale et orientale et plus particulièrement en Roumanie et en Moldavie.
Cette expérience m’a permis de travailler avec des publics très variés et de vivre quotidiennement sur une longue
période les transformations sociales, économiques, culturelles et politiques de ces différentes sociétés.
Au-delà de l’expérience personnelle, j’ai toujours ressenti la nécessité d’utiliser mes observations pour interroger et
améliorer mes pratiques professionnelles dans les fonctions qui étaient les miennes.
J’ai par la suite souhaité faire évoluer ces connaissances empiriques vers une construction intellectuelle plus
systématique. Cette démarche m’a amené à compléter ma formation initiale jusqu’à la rédaction d’une thèse en science
politique consacrée aux relations entre l’Union Européenne et la république de Moldavie.